Track 8. Old Ben
Ben Norman was one of the first people I saw around the harbour when I first moved to Watchet. He always wore a sailing cap and glasses, and a wonderfully deep voice. He was just known to all as 'Ben'. Ben Norman was a singer and a melodeon player and he was the very last man to hear Yankee Jack sing. I’d love to be able to talk to Ben again, so much local knowledge and history died with him.
Old Ben tell me please of the things the harbour’s seen. I’m too young to know, old Ben he tells me so.
Herring and mackerel landed by the score. You can’t net them any more. I’m too young to know, old Ben he tells me so.
And the ships sailed in and out with the tides. They carried Watchet’s goods with pride. Ben has seen them fade and die...
he asks me and I don’t know why.
Dug out iron ore from out the hills, shipped it off to the steel mills. I’m too young to know, old Ben he tells me so.
Cut down oak trees to make pit props. Over there the mines have stopped. I’m too young to know, old Ben he tells me so.
And the ships sailed in and out with the tides. They carried Watchet’s goods with pride. Ben has seen them fade and die... he asks me and I don’t know why.
Stevedores out on the quay load the ships so eagerly. I’m too young to know, old Ben he tells me so.
Where have all the people gone? They’re only here in my song. I do know of long ago, old Ben Norman he told me so.
And the ships sailed in and out with the tides. They carried Watchet’s goods with pride. Ben has seen them fade and die... he asks me and I don’t know why.