The Debut Album from The Watchet Town Crier
There'll come a time no one will remember
the work done here to earn our keep...- David Milton, The Last Shift In
Order today - out now!
The stunning debut album from the Watchet Town Crier David Milton, the Bell Man of the Court Leet of Watchet. Combining both original and traditional material. All beautifuly produced and sung with the deep clarity and power that befits a Town Crier.
Produced by the BBC Radio 2 Folk Award nominated Ange Hardy and featuring David Milton (vocals), Ange Hardy (backing vocals, whistle), The Old Gaffers (shanty vocals), Lukas Drinkwater (guitar, double bass), Archie Churchill-Moss (accordion), Tom Moore (fiddle) and Olly Winters-Owen (percussion).

When David Milton asked me if I'd be willing to help him produce this - his debut album - I leapt at the chance.
In the years I’ve lived near Watchet I’ve known David as the Watchet Town Crier; but I've also known him as Mr Mommet the Punch and Judy Man, as Santa Claus on the West Somerset Steam Railway, as a singer and leader of shanties at Pebbles Tavern, and as the voice of The Ancient Mariner on my Esteesee album (which was the first time we worked together).
I knew David was a sculptor, I knew he was a football referee... but until this project, I didn’t know him as a songwriter.
What David has achieved on this album captures what I think of as the true essence of folk music (although David would never want to limit it with labels and genres). It combines a selection of songs he’s learned orally from the good folk of Watchet with songs that document the events and lives of the town. The closing of the Wansbrough Paper Mill after more than 260 years, first hand memories of Ben Norman and the decline of the harbour, a recent Viking funeral at West Quay, the shanties you’ll hear at Pebbles Tavern...
With the musical assistance of The Old Gaffers, Lukas Drinkwater, Archie Churchill-Moss, Tom Moore, Olly Winters-Owen and myself we’ve crafted something that I feel genuinely represents Watchet throughout the years. David Milton should be as proud of his own achievements as Watchet should be proud of its Town Crier.
- Ange Hardy